Your Guide to Nectar Collectors

Your Guide to Nectar Collectors

Aficionados of dabbing across the globe have probably encountered nectar collectors: these streamlined dab rigs offer a convenient way to indulge in your preferred concentrates while out and about....
How to Take a Dab

How to Take a Dab

Dabbing involves the extraction of concentrated doses of cannabis using a solvent to extract THC and other cannabinoids into a potent, often sticky, or viscous oil. Known by various names based on ...
How to Troubleshoot an Electric Dab Rig That's Not Working - Puffingmaster

How to Troubleshoot an Electric Dab Rig That's Not Working

Technology has significantly influenced how we consume cannabis, with electric dab rigs being one of the most revolutionary developments. These devices offer convenience, consistency, and control, ...
How to Make a Homemade Dab Rig

How to Make a Homemade Dab Rig

As the trend of dabbing keeps gaining traction, many enthusiasts are exploring ways to create their dab rigs. This DIY approach saves money and offers a sense of satisfaction in creating something ...
How to Clean a Dab Rig - Puffingmaster

How to Clean a Dab Rig

If you're new to dabbing, knowing how to clean a portable dab rig can seem difficult and complex. The best way for the dab rig cleaning solution has always been a question mark for many of us. The ...
HOW TO Pick a Dab Rig - Puffingmaster

CÓMO elegir un equipo para Dab

Aunque hay muchas formas de elegir, los dab rigs se han convertido en la forma más popular de disfrutar del cannabis. No sorprende que los equipos de dab hayan tomado un papel importante como una p...
Types of Electric Dab Rigs

Types of Electric Dab Rigs

Dabbing has revolutionized the way many enthusiasts enjoy their concentrates, and the advent of electric dab rigs has taken it to an entirely new level. Electric dab rigs, also known as erigs, offe...
Beginner's Guide to Pipes

Beginner's Guide to Pipes

The pipe market has an astounding diversity of options, enough to even baffle experienced smokers when determining the specifics of their upcoming acquisition. For novices, the array of choices can...
Beginner's Guide to Wax Pens

Beginner's Guide to Wax Pens

Dabbing and smoking paraphernalia such as erigs, rolling trays, and dab pens have gained significant popularity. These accessories augment the user's overall enjoyment, particularly for those new t...