core 2.1 erig and new puffco peak pro erig

The Best Electric Dab Rigs of 2024

Electric dab rigs, commonly referred to as E-Rigs, utilize electricity to heat the chamber. These devices are not only more user-friendly than traditional dab rigs or wax rigs, but they also offer ...
What Is an Electric Hookah?

What Is an Electric Hookah?

The hookah has long been a cherished device for smoking tobacco, especially within Middle Eastern and South Asian cultures. However, with technological advancements and an increasing emphasis on he...
How to Use Terp Pearls

How to Use Terp Pearls

You might have noticed small beads, known as terp pearls, in dab rigs before but weren't quite sure of their purpose. If that sounds like you, you're in luck. This article will explain what terp pe...
How to Troubleshoot an Electric Dab Rig That's Not Working - Puffingmaster

How to Troubleshoot an Electric Dab Rig That's Not Working

Technology has significantly influenced how we consume cannabis, with electric dab rigs being one of the most revolutionary developments. These devices offer convenience, consistency, and control, ...
How to Make a Homemade Dab Rig

How to Make a Homemade Dab Rig

As the trend of dabbing keeps gaining traction, many enthusiasts are exploring ways to create their dab rigs. This DIY approach saves money and offers a sense of satisfaction in creating something ...
Beginner's Guide to Pipes

Beginner's Guide to Pipes

The pipe market has an astounding diversity of options, enough to even baffle experienced smokers when determining the specifics of their upcoming acquisition. For novices, the array of choices can...
Beginner's Guide to Wax Pens

Beginner's Guide to Wax Pens

Dabbing and smoking paraphernalia such as erigs, rolling trays, and dab pens have gained significant popularity. These accessories augment the user's overall enjoyment, particularly for those new t...
How to Use an Electric Dab Rig?

How to Use an Electric Dab Rig?

Electric dab rigs are perceived by many as the next big thing in dabbing. But what is their functioning mechanism, and do they live up to the hype? In this golden era of cannabis appreciation, we h...
Why is a Gravity Bong More Effective? Exploring Its Mechanism and Benefits

Why is a Gravity Bong More Effective? Exploring Its Mechanism and Benefits

Let's delve into the world of gravity bongs and explore why they are considered more effective than other smoking devices